Mae Hong Son

Mae Hong Son
Our rental car

We didn't realise at first that it's a hybrid but the petrol engine is only for charging the battery with the whole drive train being fully electric.

Mae Hong Son

We stopped off here to eat the leftovers of the food we'd made at our cooking class the night before. Within a few minutes we had a friend.

Mae Hong Son

The highpparts of Don Inthanon is a cloud forest filled with mosses and vibes. Not far from the peak there's even a small swamp which is the only habitat on the planet for a particular type of bird.

Mae Hong Son
Mountaintop shrine
Mae Hong Son
Mae Hong Son
Mae Hong Son

The confluence of two different coloured rivers.

Mae Hong Son
Mountains and forest
Mae Hong Son
Mae Hong Son

Parts of the region feel extremely dry.

A few days ago we picked up a rental car so that we could explore the north western province of Mae Hong Son. It's right up against the border with Myanmar and is a sparsely populated area covered in mountains and forest. 

Our first stop was a small town called Mae Sariang. On the way there we had a little detour to Don Inthanon which is the highest mountain in Thailand. We're now about halfway through our roadtrip in Mae Hong Son town. 

Once again it's been uncomfortably hot with temperatures around 40°c each day. I had hoped that escaping to the mountains would be cooler but I read yesterday that Mae Hong Son town holds the record for the highest recorded temperature in Thailand. We had a short power outage the other night and with in minutes our room started to get hot so I can't imagine what this would be like without air conditioning. 

It's been really nice to get away from the busier places that we've been recently. Driving here hasn't been an issue. The roads feel quite similar to New Zealand roads being mostly single lane and windy. Traffic is pretty light here. The day we set out had lots of passing torrential downpours which did make things more interesting.